All prices in GBP
What to expect in this 6 month coaching programme;
MONTHLY THEMES Each month will have a monthly energetic theme to work through. There will be a LIVE teach element, a downloadable workbook & support materials.
COACHING We will have 2 x 90 minute group coaching calls per month
LEARNING SUPPORT Each month you will have an opportunity to ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the modality/theme & how to apply it to you.
GUEST SPEAKERS I am not the expert in everything...but I do have an amazing network! Guest speaker topics on Astrology, EFT, Crystals & Flower Essences.
Community & connection is really important during this programme, so there will be a private Slack or Circle group.
Enter your bullet points here..
"I recently had a coaching session with Sarah on Human Design and it was so enlightening."
"I absolutely recommend Sarah if this is something that intrigues you - Sarah is a coach who can work with you on using your Human Design to help you maximise your potential."
"Sarah has helped me to understand how I like to operate and how I want to move through the world, and how MY way doesn't necessarily fit with traditional advice and approaches."
"I feel lighter, clearer and ready to take on the world"